The time is now. There’s no point talking about the future if it doesn’t lead to action today.”

How can you get involved?

This is a journey. And I hope you can be part of it. I don’t know what’s going to happen or have all the answers. It may change, adapt or evolve. But, what I do know is, the time is now. I’ve learnt to ask questions, be bold, ambitious, curious, push the boundaries, go for it and not hold back. Especially if you are passionate about something which is purposeful and meaningful. Furthermore, to do this in a participatory, collaborative and creative way. I hope we can learn together and this can be co-imagined, co-created and co-developed with you.   


What you can do

The main thing you can do is try to be a positive role model and be the change you would like to see in the World. If you would like to donate money, The Wave Project, Surfers Against Sewage, I AM WATER, and Mind are just a few of some great charities or to support me financially, thank you, let’s have a chat about it.

Other things you can do are: take plastic packaging back to a supermarket, speak to your neighbour, share a meal with people, speak to someone on the train/bus/or in street, or read these two amazing books – The Kindness of Strangers and The Man Who Planted Trees.  



If you would like to be involved, have some ideas, advice, see how we can work together, working on something similar, or would like to reach out and chat, please let me know using the form below.

If you would like to support me on the upcoming cycle journey in any way or have some suggestions of people/places to connect with, get in touch.

I look forward to connecting with you!

Please use the form below. Thank you.

Currently based in Plymouth, Devon, UK.