The long term vision…

… is to facilitate and co-create a unique, immersive, healing and awakening experience. This is focused on connection, wellbeing, relaxation, revitalisation and action.

Central to this is hands-on interaction with nature and connection to the ocean.

A mind-body-soul and sensory experience grounded in mindfulness, non-violent communication and flow.

This could be a physical retreat, educational and learning space incorporating citizen science, academic research, outdoor education, storytelling, community building and personal transformation.

Centred on active and healthy lifestyles through walking, running, wild swimming, freediving, scuba-diving, surfing and outdoor-play. 

Bringing together and connecting people through gardening, tree-planting, growing, cooking and sharing food, learning new skills, dance, movement, arts and crafts, repairing, fixing and making things.  

A holistic and inclusive space for everyone; people from all different nationalities, cultures and backgrounds.

In the short-term this could be a pop-up, adaptable and transferable half-day, 1, 2 or 3-day course or experience incorporating elements of the “Ocean Flow” journey.

Ultimately, the aim is for people to be the best they can be, be the best version of themselves, realising or developing their life purpose, vision, or Ikigai, and giving them the opportunity to be happy and flourish.

In life do what makes your heart sing.”
Photo credit: Tim Marshall (Unsplash)

Photo credit: Tim Marshall (Unsplash)